Private Sales (Sealed Bid)
About Sealed Bids
Properties that do not sell at a public auction may be sold by private sale. Properties may also be sold by private sale if the real market value is less than $15,000 and the property is not buildable.
Offers for property available for private sale must be submitted on a sealed bid form. You can obtain a form from our office. Offers are then presented to the Linn County Board of Commissioners for their consideration.
The sealed bid process does not apply to industrial properties. For more information on the offer process for industrial properties, please contact Property Management.
Instructions to Bidders
The following steps must be followed to submit a sealed bid for a property:
- The bid must be submitted on an “Offer Form” obtained from the Property Management office located at 104 SW 4th Avenue, Room 123, Albany, OR.
- The form should include the account number. If needed, the account number can be obtained from the Property Management office.
- The bid amount must be for at least the minimum bid listed on the “Available for Sealed Bid” page.
Note: Properties that are not required to be auctioned (such as small strips) may not have a minimum bid amount. In these cases, you may bid any amount. - The bid form must be accompanied by a cashier's check or money order made out to Linn County for at least 10% of the bid amount. If you are not a successful bidder, the money will be returned to you after the bid is opened.
- The bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope. The outside of the envelope must indicate it is a sealed bid and include the account number of the property the bid is for.
- Bids must be hand delivered to the Property Management office or mailed to Property Management, PO Box 100, Albany, OR 97321. If there is a bid deadline, it will be listed below.
- Once a bid is accepted by the Board of Commissioners, the deposit is non-refundable should the bidder default on the offer to purchase.
- Payment is due in full ten (10) business days following the date the bid is accepted by the Board of Commissioners.
- All properties are sold as is. No warranties or guarantees are made concerning the condition of title, the ability to use a property for any particular purpose, the ability to develop a property pursuant to State and local land use law, location of boundary lines, environmental condition or any other matter concerning a property.
Properties Available for Sealed Bid Offers
Updated: 3/19/2025
Click on a property account number below for more information, maps, photos, etc.
Account # |
Map & Tax Lot # |
Real Market Value |
Minimum Sealed Bid |
Property Description |
Sealed Bid Due Date/Status |